
تم تكريم الأب بوب ماغواير، وساندرا سولي، وغيرهم من الأفراد البارزين في يوم أستراليا 2024.

Father Bob Maguire Sandra Sully Australia Day 2024 honors

للمرة الثانية فقط في تاريخ الأوسمة الأسترالية ، تم تكريم عدد أكبر من النساء من الرجال في قائمة يوم أستراليا لهذا العام. تم تكريم الأب بوب ماجواير وساندرا سولي في قائمة أوسمة يوم أستراليا 2024.

النقاط الرئيسية: Father Bob Maguire Sandra Sully Australia Day 2024 honors

الأب (بوب) روبرت جون ماجوير آم آر إف دي

A man standing in front of a church

Father Bob Maguire تم تكريمه كضابط في أمر أستراليا لخدمته المتميزة للمجتمع. الأب روبرت جون ماغواير المعروف بـ الأب بوب، الكاهن الكاثوليكي والشخصية الإعلامية توفي في أبريل من العام الماضي بعد حياة مكرسة للدفاع عن الفقراء والمهمشين. قال فرانك أوكونور، مدير مؤسسة الأب بوب ماغواير، إنه “من الصعب معرفة” كيف كان الكاهن المتمرد الراحل سيستجيب لتكريمه بتسمية ضابط في أمر أستراليا. وأضاف أوكونور: “أعتقد أنه كان سيشعر بالفخر بالتأكيد”. “بالتأكيد المؤسسة وعائلة الأب بوب مسرورون جدًا بأن التزامه بهذا النوع من العمل لا يزال يحظى بالاعتراف”. تم رسامة الأب بوب في عام 1960 وقضى ما يقرب من 40 عامًا ككاهن في ملبورن، وترك بعد صراع مع هرم الكنيسة بسبب سن التقاعد الإلزامي للكهنة البالغ من العمر 75 عامًا. سمح له بالبقاء ككاهن حتى سن 77 عامًا، واعتزل في عام 2012 بعد 50 عامًا من الخدمة في الكنيسة.

تكريم لورين آن مازيرول AC في يوم أستراليا 2024

Professor Lorraine Mazerolle smiling in a profile photo leaving against a wall

لورين مازيرويل هي مستلمة لرتبة رفيقة في أستراليا. (مقدمة: UQ)
لخدمتها المتميزة في مجال التعليم وعملها كمجرمة ولتطوير إصلاحات الشرطة القائمة على الأدلة، كانت لورين مازيرويل قائدة في مجالها.
لقد عملت بشكل واسع في البحث والشرطة وعلم الجريمة والتدابير القانونية في كل من أستراليا والولايات المتحدة.
قالت البروفيسورة مازيرويل إنها “مكرمة” لأنها تلقت رتبة رفيقة في أستراليا.
“إنها تقدير لحياة عملت في مجال علم الجريمة”، قالت.
“هذه جائزة ذات أهمية كبيرة بالنسبة لي”.
عندما سئلت عن أعظم إنجازاتها، قالت البروفيسورة مازيرويل إنها “فخورة” بعملها في بحث الشراكات في الشرطة وطلاب الدكتوراه لديها.

دان أوكس أوام

Dan Oakes, wearing suit jacket and chequered shirt, stands in front of grey backdrop

Dan Oakes began his professional journey at The Age newspaper in 2004. As a member of the ABC Investigations team, he has made significant contributions to the field of journalism. One of his notable achievements is his collaboration with fellow journalist Sam Clark on the Afghan Files, a comprehensive series comprising seven parts. This series shed light on leaked documents that exposed the involvement of Australian special forces troops in the Afghanistan war.

During his time at The Age newspaper in Melbourne, Oakes covered various beats, including sport, defence and foreign affairs, police, and telecommunications. Since 2013, he has held the position of senior investigative journalist at the ABC. His dedication and commitment to his work have earned him recognition in the journalism community.

In Arabic, the keyphrase “Father Bob Maguire Sandra Sully Australia Day 2024 honors” can be used to highlight the achievements and contributions of Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully on Australia Day in 2024.

دايفيد جيمس كوش أيه أم

A man wearing glass smiles for the camera at a press event.

دايفيد جيمس كوش، المعروف أفضل باسم “كوشي” من قبل الجمهور، تم تعيينه كعضو في النظام الاسترالي.

تم تكريمه عن خدمته الهامة في وسائل الإعلام كمقدم تلفزيوني وفي الصحافة الاقتصادية.

درب كوش نفسه كمحاسب قبل أن يبدأ حياته المهنية في الصحافة مع تدريب في صحيفة The Australian وفترة عمل في مجلة BRW.

واصل العمل بشكل واسع في الصحافة الاقتصادية والأعمال وقدم تعليقات لعدة منشورات فيما يتعلق بالأعمال والتمويل.

هو أشهر برنامجه تقديم برنامج Sunrise على قناة سبعة، والذي قام به لمدة 21 عامًا.

خلال هذا الوقت، قال إنه قد قام بأكثر من 5300 عرض تلفزيوني، ما يعادل حوالي 16000 ساعة من التلفزيون المباشر.

ساندرا لي سولي AM

A woman in a red dress poses for the camera at the Logies.

Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully Receive Australia Day 2024 Honors

Sandra Sully, a renowned media personality, has been recognized for her outstanding contributions to the media, charitable organizations, and the community. As a recipient of the Member of the Order of Australia, she has made a significant impact throughout her career.

Sully’s journey in journalism began in the mid-1980s at the Seven Network in Brisbane. She later joined Network Ten’s Parliament House bureau in 1989 after working at Prime in Canberra. For over three decades, she has been a dedicated newsreader and reporter for Channel 10, delivering news to the nation through programs like Ten News First and The Late News.

Throughout her career, Sully has been at the forefront of major news events. She was the first Australian journalist to cover the September 11 attacks and was one of the first on the scene of the Thredbo landslide. Her interviews with prominent figures such as former US Vice President Al Gore and Douglas Wood, who was held hostage in Iraq, have showcased her exceptional journalistic skills.

Aside from her media work, Sully has also made appearances on various reality and game TV shows, including The Masked Singer, I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!, and Australia’s Brainiest. Her versatility as a media personality has allowed her to connect with audiences in different ways.

Furthermore, Sully is actively involved in charitable endeavors. She serves as an Ambassador for National Adoption Awareness, NSW Crime Stoppers, and Do Something. Additionally, she is a Co-Patron of Spinal Cure, demonstrating her commitment to making a positive impact on society.

In conclusion, Sandra Sully’s remarkable career and dedication to both the media industry and philanthropy have earned her the prestigious honor of being a Member of the Order of Australia. Her contributions continue to inspire and make a difference in the lives of many.

ليليان مارغريت ريس OAM

An elderly woman wearing a blue shirt with white flowers smiles at the camera.

Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully Honored on Australia Day 2024

At the age of 100, Lilian Ries has been acknowledged for her outstanding contributions to community health in Australia. As the oldest recipient of this year’s honors, Ms Ries has dedicated her twilight years to volunteering with sick children and their families through the Ronald McDonald House Charity. Despite most people choosing to unwind in their 80s, Ms Ries was determined to make a difference.

Ms Ries fondly recalls telling her husband that she would be the first to respond when volunteers were needed, and she lived up to her word. For over 20 years, she selflessly assisted families in need, providing them with support and care. Reflecting on her experience, she expressed her gratitude, saying, “It was great.”

As a great grandmother of 12, Ms Ries never anticipated receiving such an esteemed award. She humbly admitted, “Never in the world did I think I’d get anything like that.”

On a related note, Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully were also honored on Australia Day 2024 for their remarkable contributions to the community. Their dedication and selflessness have made a significant impact on the lives of many Australians. This recognition serves as a testament to their unwavering commitment to improving the welfare of others.

فيونا ميلاني وود AO

A woman wearing a large broches and black glasses poses for a photo

Fiona Wood: Pioneer of “Spray on Skin” Technology

In Western Australia, Fiona Wood, a renowned plastic surgeon and recipient of the 2005 Australian of the Year award, has been honored once again as an Officer of The Order. This recognition from her peers and the community is truly humbling for her. Ms. Wood emphasizes that this award is not just for her, but for her entire team and their remarkable achievements over the years.

One of Ms. Wood’s groundbreaking contributions to the medical field is her development of the revolutionary “spray on skin” technology. This innovative technique has been hailed as an answered prayer for burn victims. In fact, it played a crucial role in treating 28 patients following the tragic Bali Bombings, significantly reducing their scarring.

Decades after its inception, Ms. Wood’s work continues to benefit burn victims. However, she acknowledges that some cases remain etched in her memory. She believes that empathy is an integral part of her profession, as it allows her to accompany patients, their families, and caregivers on their challenging journey.

Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully: Australia Day 2024 Honors

In Australia, Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully have been recognized with prestigious honors on Australia Day 2024. This celebration acknowledges their exceptional contributions to society.

Father Bob Maguire, a beloved figure in the community, has dedicated his life to helping the less fortunate. Through his tireless efforts, he has provided support and assistance to countless individuals, particularly those experiencing homelessness. Father Maguire’s compassion and commitment have made a significant impact on the lives of many, earning him this well-deserved honor.

Sandra Sully, a prominent journalist and news anchor, has been a trusted voice in Australian media for years. Her dedication to delivering accurate and insightful news has made her a respected figure in the industry. Additionally, Sully has been actively involved in various charitable initiatives, using her platform to raise awareness and support important causes. Her contributions to journalism and philanthropy have earned her this prestigious recognition.

ديفيد أرلي سكويريل أوام

A man in a dark blue shirt and black pants holds a woman's hand as they sit on couches in a lounge room.

في عام 2008 ، عندما فقد ديفيد سكويريل تسجيله الطبي بسبب إعاقته ، تحول تركيزه إلى الدعوة. منذ ذلك الحين ، عمل على جعل العديد من الأماكن العامة أكثر إمكانية الوصول.

شخصية الطقس جيني وودوارد تحصل على وسام OAM

جيني وودوارد من ABC هي واحدة من ثمانية شخصيات بارزة في كوينزلاند التي حصلت على تكريمات يوم أستراليا هذا العام، وليس لديها أي خطط للتباطؤ في أي وقت قريب.


شخصية الطقس جيني وودوارد تحصل على وسام OAM

جيني وودوارد من ABC هي واحدة من ثمانية شخصيات بارزة في كوينزلاند التي حصلت على تكريمات يوم أستراليا هذا العام، وليس لديها أي خطط للتباطؤ في أي وقت قريب.

Jenny Woodward holding an umbrella on stage

هو الآن نائب رئيس الجمعية الأسترالية للصم والبكم ومدافع شغوف عن الإعاقة.

يعتبر الدكتور سكويرل من الحائزين على وسام النظام الأسترالي بسبب عمله.

قال إن هناك الكثير من العمل الذي يجب القيام به في هذا المجال، حيث تعيق البيروقراطية العديد من الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة.

“يجلس المسؤولون في الكراسي ويقومون بالصحافة على الصناديق، ولا ينظرون إلى الشخص. وكل شخص هو فرد مستقل”، قال.

“أعتقد أننا بحاجة إلى ترك هذا العالم مكانًا أفضل. لتركه مكانًا أفضل، يجب عليك أن تفهم ما هو الخطأ، وبالتالي أين يمكنك أن تحدث فرقًا حتى يمكن إثراء حياة الآخرين.”

Majida Abboud-Saab OAM

In Arabic, the heading would be:

ماجيدة عبود-سعد OAM

An elderly woman sitting on a couch smiles at the camera.

Receiving the Medal of The Order of Australia: A Proud Moment for Majida Abboud-Saab

Majida Abboud-Saab, a founding staff member of the Special Broadcasting Station (SBS), expressed her pride in being Australian after being honored with the Medal of The Order of Australia. This recognition signifies the country’s acknowledgment of the significance of multiculturalism and the contributions made by individuals with diverse linguistic backgrounds.

From SBS Volunteer to Director of the Arabic Program

Ms. Abboud-Saab’s journey with SBS began as one of the initial volunteers in a three-month experiment in 1975. The aim was to broadcast settlement information in minority languages, ensuring that all members of the community had access to vital information. As she recalls, “Not everyone had a phone, but everyone had radio. Here in Australia, they would be… listening to information, settlement information in their own language.”

Her dedication and passion for serving the Arabic community led her to become the director of the SBS Arabic program. This language program played a crucial role in bridging the gap between the Arabic-speaking population and Australian news, especially in a time when the internet was not readily available.

Bringing Australian News to the Arabic Community

Through her work at SBS, Ms. Abboud-Saab ensured that the Arabic community in Australia had access to news and information that would have otherwise been inaccessible. The SBS Arabic program became a prominent platform for delivering Australian news in the Arabic language, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

Australia’s Recognition of Multiculturalism and Multilingual Contribution

Receiving the Medal of The Order of Australia holds great significance for Ms. Abboud-Saab. To her, it symbolizes Australia’s growth, maturity, and recognition of the importance of multiculturalism and the contributions made by individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This honor reflects the country’s progress in embracing and celebrating its multicultural identity.

In conclusion, Majida Abboud-Saab’s journey from a volunteer to the director of the SBS Arabic program highlights the vital role played by individuals like her in promoting multiculturalism and ensuring that all communities have access to essential information. Her recognition with the Medal of The Order of Australia is a testament to the country’s commitment to inclusivity and appreciation for diverse linguistic contributions.

لاريسا (لارا) طاهرة جيدنجز AO

A woman smiles at the camera while sitting on a bench in a park.

رحبت السيدة لارا جيدنجز، الحاكمة السابقة لتسمانيا، بتعيينها ضابطًا في أمر أستراليا، وأعربت عن سعادتها وتواضعها الشديدين بهذا التكريم الرفيع. وقد تم تكريمها بناءً على إسهاماتها المتميزة في خدمة الشعب والبرلمان في تسمانيا والمجتمع. وفي عام 1996، عندما كانت السيدة جيدنجز في الـ 23 من عمرها فقط، أصبحت أصغر امرأة تنتخب في برلمان أستراليا، وفي نهاية المطاف أصبحت أول امرأة تشغل منصب رئيسة وزراء الولاية في عام 2010. وعبرت عن سعادتها الكبيرة وتواضعها لتلقي هذا اللقب الرفيع. وقالت السيدة جيدنجز: “بصراحة، أنا أكثر سعادة بالنسبة لوالدي”. وأضافت: “إنه لم يعد معنا، ولكنه كان رجلًا يحب الأوسمة، وكان لديه وسام أستراليا بنفسه. أعرف كم كان ذلك يعني له، وكم سيكون فخورًا اليوم لمعرفة أن ابنته أيضًا تلقت هذا التكريم العظيم”.

بيل هينسون AO

An elderly man stares at the camera as he leans on a canvas inside his art studio.

Bill Henson expressed his satisfaction with the recognition of the visual arts in this year’s honors. The Australian artist has been acknowledged for his exceptional contributions to the visual arts and the promotion of Australian culture. Henson, a renowned photographer, has been active since the 1970s and his works are displayed in galleries across Australia and internationally.

Throughout his career, Henson’s art has been a subject of controversy. In 2008, one of his exhibitions was shut down, and his photographs featuring nude child models were confiscated by the police. Reflecting on his journey, Henson finds it fascinating to observe how people’s reactions to his work vary depending on the historical context and their geographical location.

Being appointed as an Officer of the Order of Australia humbles Henson, and he is delighted to witness the acknowledgment of the visual arts. He believes that this recognition raises the profile of artists who often work quietly and independently. According to Henson, it signifies the significance of the arts within the broader community.

Art has a profound ability to unite people, as Henson explains. It is not always about making a loud impact or a fleeting moment; instead, it can have a deeper and long-lasting effect on individuals. Henson emphasizes the power of art to leave a lasting impression and create a meaningful connection with its audience.

In conclusion, Bill Henson’s distinguished service to the visual arts and his dedication to promoting Australian culture have been acknowledged through his appointment as an Officer of the Order of Australia. Despite the controversies surrounding his work, Henson appreciates the diverse responses it elicits and the impact it has on individuals. He believes that the recognition of the visual arts highlights their importance within the community and their ability to create a profound and lasting effect.

صوفي جيسيكا تريفيت AM

A woman stands with street art on a wall behind her.

تم تعيين صوفي تريفيت بعد وفاتها كعضو في أمر أستراليا. كانت صوفي تريفيت محامية وناشطة في مجال العدالة الاجتماعية وقضت سنوات في محاربة دخول الأطفال من الأمم الأولى إلى نظام العدالة الجنائية، وهذا العمل الذي استمرت فيه على الرغم من تشخيص ورم في المخ. توفيت المديرة التنفيذية السابقة لتغيير السجل ورئيسة الفرع في الإقليم العاصمة الأسترالية في 27 يوليو 2023 عن عمر يناهز 32 عامًا، ولكنها تركت وراءها إرثًا لا يصدق. من أبرز إنجازاتها تقود حملة لرفع سن المسؤولية الجنائية، وإنشاء مناطق الاستبعاد حول عيادات الإجهاض في الإقليم العاصمة الأسترالية، وحظر أغطية اللعاب في الإقليم العاصمة الأسترالية. قال توم سوان، شريك السيدة تريفيت في وقت وفاتها: “كانت لديها هذه العناد والعناد، يمكنك أن تقول ذلك، عندما رأت شيئًا خاطئًا – ثم قاتلت لتغييره”. “حتى عندما كانت مريضة، استمرت في القتال من أجل ما تؤمن به”. وقال إن السيدة تريفيت ستكون “مكرمة” لتكون معترف بها كعضو في أمر أستراليا ولكنها “لن ترغب حقًا في أن يكون التركيز على العمل الذي كانت تقوم به لمنع الأطفال من السجن والقتال من أجل العدالة، خاصة بالنسبة للأستراليين الأصليين”.

بتينا دانجانبار آم

A woman standing near plants smiles at the camera.

Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully Honored on Australia Day 2024

Bettina Danganbarr, a Yolgnu woman from Galiwin’ku in east Arnhem Land, expressed her empowerment upon being recognized for her remarkable contributions. As an Aboriginal community police officer, she has played a pivotal role in bridging the gap between Yolgnu and balanda (non-indigenous) ways of life. Collaborating with the NT Police, Danganbarr has worked tirelessly to develop culturally appropriate support and conflict resolution strategies.

Danganbarr finds great satisfaction in sharing her culture, knowledge, and language with her fellow officers, teaching them how to approach and engage with Aboriginal communities. Through her efforts, she has helped mend fractured relationships between these communities and the police force in the Northern Territory.

In addition to her work as a police officer, Danganbarr is a strong advocate for women’s rights. She played a crucial role in establishing a women’s shelter in Galiwin’ku, providing a safe haven for victims of Domestic and Family violence. This accomplishment stands as her proudest achievement.

Being appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia serves as a tremendous source of motivation for Ms. Danganbarr. She views this recognition as a powerful affirmation, particularly coming from a small community where challenges are often faced. Such honors empower and inspire her to continue her important work.

Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully: Australia Day 2024 Honors

Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully have been honored on Australia Day 2024 for their exceptional contributions to society. These two individuals have made significant impacts in their respective fields, leaving a lasting legacy.

Father Bob Maguire, a beloved figure in the community, has dedicated his life to helping those in need. His tireless efforts in providing support and assistance to the homeless and marginalized have earned him widespread admiration. Father Maguire’s commitment to social justice and compassion has made a profound difference in the lives of countless individuals.

Sandra Sully, a renowned journalist and news presenter, has been recognized for her outstanding contributions to the field of media. With her extensive experience and unwavering dedication to delivering accurate and impactful news, Sully has become a trusted voice in Australian journalism. Her commitment to journalistic integrity and excellence has set a high standard for the industry.

Both Father Bob Maguire and Sandra Sully embody the spirit of Australia Day, which celebrates the achievements and contributions of individuals who have made a positive difference in society. Their unwavering dedication and selfless service serve as an inspiration to us all.

Written by admin

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